Welcome Assoc. Prof. Xiaoyan Jiang from Shanghai University of Engineering Science to be the TPC!

Welcome Assoc. Prof. Xiaoyan Jiang from Shanghai University of Engineering Science to be the TPC!


Assoc. Prof. Xiaoyan Jiang, Shanghai University of Engineering Science, China

Xiaoyan Jiang is currently an associate professor in the School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Shanghai University of Engineering Science, China. She received the Ph.D. degree in computer science from Friedrich-Schiller University of Jena, Germany, in 2015. Her research interests include semantic segmentation, pose estimation, person re-identification, multi-modal fusion, and SLAM.
She has 50 publications in the field of computer vision and machine learning including top journals and conferences. She holds multiple funds both from research organizations and enterprises aiming to design AI solutions for practical scenarios. She is the associate editor of Applied Intelligence (impact factor: 5.3), the PC Member of ICPCSEE2019, the keynote speaker in ICFTIC2019, IWITC2021, and CISE2023. She is the reviewer of several top journals and conferences, including TMM, TIP, TITS, TCSVT, ICME.

姜晓燕,副教授,海归博士。在计算机视觉、机器学习的多个课题进行了深入研究,包括SLAM、三维分割、行人重识别、目标跟踪、多模态融合等,已发表论文50篇,包括TSMC, PR, TITS、KBS、SPIC、EAAI、ICME等;Applied Intelligence期刊副主编,多个顶级期刊与国际会议的评审,如TIP、TMM、KBS、ICME等。国际会议ICPCSEE2019的学术委员会成员、信息与计算机前沿技术国际会议ICFTIC2019主旨报告、International Workshop on Information Technology Convergence(IWITC)国际研讨会主旨报告;作为主要参与人获得上海市科技进步奖二等奖;申请发明专利8项,已授权2项,授权实用新型专利5项。