Welcome Dr. He Jiang from China University of Mining and Technology to be the TPC!

Welcome Dr. He Jiang from China University of Mining and Technology to be the TPC!


Dr. He Jiang, China University of Mining and Technology, China

He Jiang, Ph.D. from Shanghai Jiaotong University, Master Supervisor, CPC member, high-level young innovation and entrepreneurial talents in Jiangsu Province, and young scientific and technological innovation talents (the third level) in Xuzhou City. Until now, he has published more than 40 papers in JCR Q1/Q2 and other well-known journals. He has presided over or participated in 6 national projects, 3 provincial and ministerial projects, and more than 10 enterprise projects. Meanwhile, he has served as a reviewer for international journals or conferences TMM, TCSVT, TII, CVPR, ICASSP, ICME, as well as the session chair of IOTCIT 2024, ICCBDAI 2023/2024, and CISP 2024. In addition, he has received two Best Paper Awards at international conferences and Distinguished Reviewer Award for SCI journals.

江鹤,上海交通大学博士,硕士生导师,中共党员,江苏省高层次青年创新创业人才,徐州市青年科技创新人才(第三层次)。截止目前,他已在JCR Q1/Q2等知名期刊上发表论文40余篇。主持或参与国家级项目6项,省部级项目3项,企业项目10余项。同时,他还担任国际期刊或会议TMM、TCSVT、TII、CVPR、ICASSP、ICME的审稿人,以及IOTCIT 2024、ICCBDAI 2023/2024、CISP 2024等会议的分会主席。 此外,他还获得过两次国际会议最佳论文奖和 SCI 期刊杰出审稿人奖。