Welcome Prof. Tao Zhou from North Minzu University to be the TPC!

Welcome Prof. Tao Zhou from North Minzu University to be the TPC!


Prof. Tao Zhou, North Minzu University, China

Tao Zhou is currently a professor in School of Computer Science and Engineering, North Minzu University, Yinchuan, China. He is also a Ph.D. Supervisor in Institute for Medical Informatics, University of Huaqiao, Fuzhou, China. He obtained his PhD degree from Computer Science and technology, Northwestern Poly-technology Univ. in China. he has been a visiting scholar in The University of Leicester, UK. Chinese University of Hong Kong, HK, ShanDong University, China. His research interests include pattern recognition, machine learning, machine vision, medical image analysis. He has published over 220 academic papers in top journal or conference, such as Information Fusion, Applied Soft Computing, CIBM, CMPB, BSPC, Acta Electronica Sinica, et. al., 3 ESI Papers. he has published 3 books, Furthermore, he has obtained 6 authorized patents. He served for the NCIG2020,ICIG2021,ICIGP 2022 & IFSP2022,ICDIP2022 as Technical Co-Chair or Publicity Co-Chair.

周涛,二级教授,工学博士,博士生导师,宁夏自治区政协常务委员,先后入选国家民委领军人才,宁夏“312人才”计划,宁夏青年拔尖人才计划,国家民委图像图形智能处理重点实验室和医学信息智能感知与先进计算创新团队负责人,中国图象图形学学会理事,杰出会员,中国体视学学会理事,陕西省信号处理学会理事,中国自动化学会、中国人工智能学会的多个专业委员会常务委员、委员,宁夏中卫市特聘专家。担任《Frontiers in Radiology》、《Computers Material & Continua》领域编辑,《中国图象图形学报》专刊编辑,《Computers Material & Continua》、《Frontiers in Neuroscience》、《Frontiers in Neuroimaging》、《中国图象图形学报》和《生物医学工程研究》编委,《中国图象图形学报》优秀编委,Applied Soft Computing最佳审稿人,《光学精密工程》优秀审稿人。主持科各类研项目25项,其中包括国家自然科学基金3项。获得宁夏自治区科技进步二等奖1项(第一完成人),三等奖1项(第一完成人),累计获得其它各级表彰奖励70余项,其中包括全国“互联网+创新创业”大赛银奖和“创青春”大赛铜奖。在国际、国内重要学术期刊和国际会议论文上发表论文近220余篇,被SCI、EI检索100余篇,3篇ESI高被引论文,论文累计被50多个国家和地区的专家引用1100余次,知网单篇论文引用次数500+次,下载10000+次。已授权专利6项,是Applied Soft Computing、IEEE Tran. On  GRS、ACM Tran. On MM、Neurocomputing、电子学报、自动化学报等100余种国内外期刊审稿人,国家自然科学基金等10余个基金网评专家,是NCIG2016-2020、ISCIDE17-2019、IGIP2022等多个国际、国内会议程序委会委员,并做大会报告。